Wednesday, May 12, 2010

setting new goals

With the finish line in sight, I decided to sit down & make some new goals that will help me stay on the path we have been traveling. I know that it will not be as easy without having nutrition classes to go to, a weekly check in with Traci, a work out with a trainer, encouragement from friends, but it will be possible!!
As we get to this point in the challenge, it is easy to see what we should have done & wish for things to be different at this time. It is easy to look around at each other & make judgements on what others have or haven't done, but is it fair to compare?
It really is an individual race, our own race for our health & NOTHING that anyone else in the competition has done or hasn't done will play a part in our future health...the only comparison game we should be playing is that with what you have done since the beginning of the challenge & if there room for improvement, set new goals & go for it....
We are all winners no matter what the numbers say, because we APPLIED to change, we were PICKED to change & we all CONTINUE to change & to improve our lives. So compare yourself to the person 90 days ago that faced you in the mirror & CELEBRATE the changes!!!


  1. What great advice for all of us. It's been a great ride and we ARE All winners. :-) Now we will keep on keeping on and remain winners.

  2. I liked what you said. We ARE all winners. I have felt like a winner since that first day when I found out I was chosen. The improvement in our bodies is worth far more than any material prize could ever be. But, I really want to improve also to make Shan'tel feel all her effort was worth it.
