Monday, May 24, 2010

The weight is gone....

The pressure is off, the weight is gone, the stress has subsided....
I can't believe how much better I feel today, knowing that all the work that I did for the past 100 days has been measured & recorded & this is just the beginning of the next chapter in the healthier me book!!
I am proud of myself, I am looking forward & not backwards, because if I do that, I will see where I could have, should have & didn't have (fill in the blank)....and the only blanks I want to fill in are the blanks of the future as I write my own story from here on out....

I was at the gym this morning, after my children's assembly, running & working out with all the heart was a humbling experience for me, watching these sweet, older people better their lives after various heart surgeries....I do not want to be them, I want to be running in my old age & enjoying my life without the aid of stints, pacers or by-pass surgeries....

The weight is gone in so many different aspects for me....
Here is to my healthy life style.....

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