Sunday, April 4, 2010

Not sure what to post about....

...I really don't know what to post about...I have a lot going on in my head & heart, but just not willing to share it with everyone, sometimes things are just better left unsaid...
But I want to share SOMETHING, so I am just typing away, hoping that something profound will find its way through the cobwebs & mess in my head & come through my fingers to say....
it has been an interesting week for me, I finally finished my 5 week (it was cut short, thanks to spring break :) ) teaching job of my sweet sixth graders, one of the co-teachers, who also happens to be my sons teacher & a friend of mine, was talking to me about how I survived the 5 weeks & how I managed to do things with this class that the regular teacher never did, it was nice to know that I did something right, it was nice to know that I am done, it is sad to say good bye, but I am ready to move on to the next class & get my life back!!! My friend also said to me, "I bet you learned more about yourself than you realize during this past month." I have pondered on this & I have learned stuff, things I wouldn't be able to know without the experience I had in the school ~ some good, some not so good ~ I am glad that I could be successful in what I did.
The kids also knew about this challenge & was amazed that their teacher was "pumping iron", so they challenged me to come back at the end of the challenge & do 40 push ups for them (they said one for every year I am old ~ little monkeys), so I am working on that for them, we will see what happens....ugggg!!
I am looking forward to spending a week home with my boys, I look forward to having some serious down time to do "normal" things with them, we are planning some fun outings during spring break & they are even excited to pack healthy snacks & lunches to help us stay away from Wendy's or McDonalds....
We found out yesterday, from our oldest that he really doesn't like veggie burgers, he was only eating them because he knew it was important to Matt & I to eat better & he would be a "good sport", so I guess we will be giving him something different. What a great sacrifice on his part to encourage us to be on track & healthy!!!
I learned that soccer at dinner time calls for creativity ~ as before I would just grab & go, now I have to PLAN, PREPARE & THINK before we hit the field, it has meant healthy snacks during the game to tie us all over until AFTER the game, it means setting the oven or cooking in the crock pot, it means ORGANIZATION!!
I also realized that I can get a good mile or mile & 1/2 walk/run in BEFORE a game...the boys have to be on the field 30 minutes prior to starting time in comp ball, so that means we all go instead of just sitting there, being lazy, I don my walking shoes on, go in my workout clothes, stick my ear plugs in & WALK!! It has given me the boost of energy I need to get through those last few hours of the day (plus it helps me not feel so guilty about going to bed a 8:30!! ~ but trust me folks, 4:00 AM comes quick)!!
I also learned that no matter how rotten life feels at the moment, the best thing to do is cry about it & still go to the gym!! I had a very, very dear friend pass away this week, the call came right as we were heading out the door to meet Julianne, I knew her death was coming, but the timing wasn't the Matt & I drove to the gym, I cried like a baby - Matt kept telling me he would take me home & I didn't have to work out, however I knew that Debbie wants me to be successful in this challenge, she would want me to do what I had planned & not fuss over her, so I came, I cried walking, biking & lifting weights....I got through it....the lesson I learned is that no matter what life hands you, you must have the MENTAL strength to get through it - and no matter how hard it is to exercise or put that piece of chocolate down, if you have the MENTAL strength to get through it, you will!!!
I can't believe we are more than half through this, I am wishing the clock could be turned back, that we had the knowledge & know how we have NOW to start over....but I am truly grateful for the time we have had in the first half of this challenge to learn!! Here is to the next 7 weeks, may the force be with us to DO our best & in the words of Yoda (yes I am a star wars fan):
"Do or Do Not; there is no TRY!"


  1. I'm glad that your 5 weeks of teaching is over so that your life won't be so busy. It does sound like it was a great experience and you are such an example to all of us because you didn't give up and you just keep on going like the energizer bunny. It's neat that your boys and your students are encouraging and supportive!! It is so good to have you back. :-)
    So sorry to hear about your friend's death. You were really strong and worked out anyway. That would not have been me. I'm a total wimp. Thanks for being a good example.

  2. Glad you are back. We have missed you. It was good to see you on Friday. You are doing great, and those students were sooo lucky to have you for a teacher. You no doubt have made a life impression on them.
